Sunauli To Kathmandu Distance
Incredible Sunauli To Kathmandu Distance References. The distance between sonauli to kathmandu by bus is approximately 0 km. Approximate driving distance between kathmandu and sunauli is 310 kms or 192.6 miles or 167.4 nautical miles.

The distance between kathmandu to bhairawaha is approx. The distance between sonauli to kathmandu by bus is approximately 0 km. Approximate driving distance between kathmandu and sunauli is 310 kms or 192.6 miles or 167.4 nautical miles.
It Takes 5 Hours, 20 Minutes To Travel From Sunauli To Kathmandu.
The bus journey time takes approximately. The road distance is 542.3 km. The road distance is 263.7 km.
It Takes 8 Hours, 40 Minutes To Travel From Kathmandu To Sunauli.
The distance between kathmandu to bhairawaha is approx. The distance between kathmandu and sunauli is 396 km. The road distance is 530.7 km.
The Distance Between Kathmandu And Sunauli Is 189 Km.
Approximate driving distance between kathmandu and sunauli is 310 kms or 192.6 miles or 167.4 nautical miles. 4 rows approximate distance from sunauli to sunauli is 191 kms or 118.1 miles miles. Road map from kathmandu 44600 to sunauli your road map begins at kathmandu 44600, np and ends at sunauli, in.
We Make Travel Easy And Relaxing.
Sonauli to kathmandu bus service avg. 7 hours 58 mins sonauli kathmandu 5 sonauli to kathmandu bus. Approximate driving distance between kathmandu and sunauli is 434 kms or 269.7 miles or 234.3 nautical miles.
The Total Distance Between Sunauli And Kathmandu Is 183 Km (Kilometers) And 756.35 Meters.
The mile based measurement distance is 13.3 miles sunauli direction from lumbini: During the journey from kathmandu to bhairahawa, the bus will make a few stops for breakfast and lunch. It takes 6 hours, 12 minutes to travel from kathmandu to sunauli.
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